Wild Hope!

The wilds are unexpected places where the best things begin. Hope is often born in the wilds. Join with a wonderful group of moms who are all ready to encounter WILD HOPE!

Audacious, unbridled purpose and possibility are found when we are willing to go through some discomfort to follow God to a new place.


What is MomCo?

MomCo stands for Mom Community.

We’re convinced that moms are some of the most powerful creatures on the planet. What is the word people use to define powerful things? It is ‘the mother’… the mother of all storms, the mother of all traffic, the mother lode. To be a mother is to be a force of nature, but that doesn’t mean it should be done alone. We saved you a seat.

From the time you begin your motherhood journey (whatever that looks like for you - pregnancy/adoption/surrogacy/fostering)...to when your kiddo graduates from high school, our doors are open. We welcome women from all faith or non-faith backgrounds and beliefs. The vision of MomCo is to see no mom alone - because better moms make a better world!


So How Does It Work?

Our MomCo program is a group that meets weekly. We believe that we support each other best as a group of different ages-and-stages, moms bringing different experiences and perspectives to the table.

At MomCo at River West, our vision is to provide an enjoyable, faith-based community where moms feel encouraged and supported in their mothering journey.

We build each other up. Talk together. Laugh together. Learn together. Cry together. Face challenges together. We are together on this motherhood journey.


What Should I Expect?

A MomCo meeting includes information and converstion facilitated by guest speakers, demonstrations and videos. On the last Tuesday of every month, we get together for a social night. Our meetings are held in the church.

Some of our activities last year included: Escape room, popcorn and a movie, murder-mystery high-tea evening, paint nights (supplies provided), and parties for Christmas and the end of the year.

Some of our guest-speaker topics included: Womens nutrition, talking finances with your kids, @EdmontonPlaygrounds guest speaker, Mom-versations, and MomCo videos.

Need a little mom connection? A little adult conversation? A moment to sit still? We do too. We're here for you. Oh! And guess what? We're ALL moms, too. So we totally get that you'll be running in the door at the last minute after getting the kids to bed. Chances are, we will be too! All you have to do is arrive, find a spot and have a seat. Conversation and laughter happens organically and with zero-pressure at MomCo (it usually starts along the lines of, "Hi! I'm _____ and I made it out of the house tonight!!")

Our hope is that you will find encouragement, support, relevant teaching, and opportunities to develop relationships with other women who are in your same season of life.


When Do We Meet?

Tuesday evenings from 7:30pm-9:30pm

(September 10, 2024 - May 27, 2025)


Where Do We Meet?

Our meetings are at River West Christian Church. 19815 45th Ave NW Edmonton.

Phone: 780-487-2275

Email: office@riverwestchurch.org

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1003244356399162

Please feel free to reach out to say "hi" or to connect with us via any of the links above


Why Is There A Fee?

Why do we charge a fee when many other groups in the community are free?

Glad you asked! We are affiliated with MomCo International (themom.co) and suscribe to their awesome program content for the whole year. Your fees go towards bringing you relevant content, funding activities, purchasing program supplies throughout the year and overhead costs.

Our fee is $180/year (which works out to $20/month for 9 months).

Fees are payable as a lump sum at the beginning of the season by September 10, 2024 or in a divided sum (September and January).

If you are new to MomCo, you are welcome to try one evening for free!

If our fee is prohibitive for you, please still reach out to us. No mom left behind!!


MomCo at River West Program:

It’s a place to journey through motherhood together.

It’s the community we didn’t know would be so important until we became mothers.

It's here for you.

Join us for our 2024-2025 season!


Click here to register today!